Tuesday 29 November 2016


Project Plan – Lesson 5
The Do Phase

(5.1) Project Launch:
                Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched as a group meeting with the whole class. There will be a presentation by the members along with the project leader describing the need of taking up this project and the achievable goals, the expectations, rules, procedures, assessment and grading.   The team leader will highlight how useful it is to make self- assessment. Further Students will be motivated to leap forward with the next stages of the project. Define, plan, do, and review cycles will be discussed.

(5.2) Artifacts:
                List artifacts that will be created during the project
Charts /Write ups
Presentation outlines
Questionnaire for Quiz

(5.3) Culminating product:
                Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.

Posting in Blog
Presentation on ‘How to protect our Forests’

(5.4) Celebrating completion:
                Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
A “mini exhibition” of the project will be held in the school with students.

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